Saturday, January 8, 2011

Photo Assignments-Week 3

I told you it would be soon!! Clearly I have some time on my hands this weekend. It's more I should be doing college essays but instead, I'm blogging :)

Anyways these pictures that are my week 3, week 4, and week 2 redo pictures were for over break. I went to Fort Mill, South Carolina to visit family and it is the cutest little town. I'll probably post more (plus pictures from when it snowed on Christmas!) later but for now, here is they are!

Week 2 redo:

Week 3:

Week 4 (I got a fisheye lens for Christmas):

Photo Assignments-Week 2

Hello! I hope everyone had a good break! I know I did :)

So as I said in my last post, I lost my flashdrive and couldn't get my pictures from school to my home computer. Well, good news-I FOUND MY FLASHDRIVE!! I was pretty excited. Now I can get back to doing what I said I was going to do which was post what I turn in for my photography assignments. I said I would do it, good or bad and week 2 wasn't the best week for me so I hope you will forgive for my pictures that are clearly not my best work.

I'll post week 3, my redo for week 2 and my college portfolio very soon!

So here we are, week 3: